Sunday, December 15, 2013

This Is Only a Test...

I'm not sure if email notices are going out when I post, so this is a test to see if it is working. But since its a blog post I feel I should say something, so here's a memory.

As a child I used to watch Gilligan's Island and I love Lucy on daytime re-runs. Every so often there would be an interruption from the Emergency Broadcasting System. I never really understood what it meant and when I thought to ask, I don't think I understood the explanation. I think that maybe adults were hesitant to say that it was a disaster warning system or something. Now I get texts on my cell phone from the EBS. Oh, Bob Dylan you said it right....


Kyle Van Sant said...

Update: I added a follow by email thingy right below the subscription/follow link. So I guess it is a two-step process to follow and be alerted to new posts. C'est la vie'

Samuel said...

Thanks, I added on the mail list. Looking forward to your first post. When are we going to see some of the actual story?

Kyle Van Sant said...

Hmmm...good question. I'm not sure I am even going to post parts of the story on here. Not that I don't want to share, but I'm just concerned about copyright and well...privacy issues. I can email a section to you if you want?

Samuel said...

Nice! I'd like that. Maybe we can swap stories? I've been working on a new series myself.