Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Progress Update

After a long Google search last night, I've come to the realization that I am about 10% done writing my new project. Apparently publishers are more likely to accept manuscripts that fall between 80,000 and 100,000 words. Im at 10k. Boom. This leads me to some questions:

1. What's the longest book you've ever read?

2. What's the shortest book you've ever read?

3. Have you ever read a novel in one sitting?

4. What is one charity you support that doesn't receive the recognition you think it deserves?

I'm getting ready to head home for Winter break which means lots of reading, writing, and eating. Any good recommendations for holiday reading?


Unknown said...

Dude, I hope I won't be the only one to support your blog. I'm beginning to feel like the kid in class who always raised his hand when the teacher asked a question. Hey, I was that kid!

The longest book I ever read is, of course, In Search of Lost Time.

Shortest book? I suppose it was The Snakes of Hawaii.

Novels in one sitting – Pride and Prejudice and a couple others when I was studying for my master's exam.

Charity: Water, an organization that drills wells in Africa. Donate!

And I always recommend the same book to everyone, ask Seal Tolton – A History of Bombing (which I've already mentioned once on this site)

Samuel said...

Longest: The Count of Monte Cristo

Shortest: I'm not certain, but maybe Animal Farm?

I'm pretty sure I read 1984, Animal Farm, The Painted Word and The Alchemist in one sitting each.

Favorite charity: Doctor's Without Borders. Not sure how much recognition they receive, but I like them nonetheless.

Kyle Van Sant said...

Thanks for the support John, and I imagine the responses will always be slow and minimal. It's hard to get people excited about talking about books/ C'est le vie.